Short story :
Aku penggemar minyak! (haah?)
Aku punya minyak zaitun (evoo), minyak kelapa murni (vco), castor oil, grapeseed oil, minyak biji bunga matahari, amla, castor, almond, tea tree oil, argan, etc... you name it! Buat apa? hehe.. lain kali deh critanya...
Aku punya minyak zaitun (evoo), minyak kelapa murni (vco), castor oil, grapeseed oil, minyak biji bunga matahari, amla, castor, almond, tea tree oil, argan, etc... you name it! Buat apa? hehe.. lain kali deh critanya...
Ketika mas
Ganteng sedang di Jepang, khususnya pas di Kyoto, dia lihat kalau camellia oil adalah salah satu oleh-oleh
khas Kyoto Jepang! yeee..
Selain minyak camellia, oleh2 khas kyoto yang lain
adalah natural blotting paper (!). Dan akhirnya mas Ganteng bawain aku oleh oleh
minyak ini ^_^ (beside some other stuffs). Asyik asyiiiikkk..
Minyak ini kegunaannya apa sih? Singkatnya, its good for your hair and skin.
Minyak yang aku dapet ukuran 100mL, bentuknya pump, botolnya kaca, nggak ada kotaknya, hanya dibungkus kertas (cantik), disertai selembar brosur tentang minyak camellia ini. (foto menyusuuuulll)
Brosurnya aku salin di sini aja, supaya klo hilang, aku masih punya catatannya ;-)
-siapa tau berguna juga untuk temen2 yang lagi berburu oleh-oleh khas Kyoto, Jepang.
Our original Camellia oil is 100% pure, using hand-picked-up camellia fruit only. Not containing chemical preservation nor stain
~• Camellia oil
do not oxidize easily, contain 83% olein acid which is very close to
our skin ingredient. You will find natural effects for dry skin and dry
hair. Camellia oil keep your skin natural and healthy. Avoiding
evaporation of moisture, makes your hair velvety.
~• Camellia oil
is the most penetrable oil to skin and hair among all vegetable oils
and it effects deep down the roof of the hair. Camellia oil activate the
root, avoid your hair falling out or turning grey.
~• Camellia oil heighten the elasticity of your hair, effective for preventation for outgrowth of hair.
~• Camellia oil
control excess secretion of grease, dissolve grease and cholesterol in
pore, avoid dandruff, also avoid rash and spot making your skin smooth.
~• Cammoul
prevent ultraviolet rays for protecting your skin and hair. Also said to
be effective for sterilization and good blood circulation.
HOW TO USE KAZURASEI Original Camellia Oil?
Although its
"oil", Camellia oil never make your hair greasy, penetrate through hair
root and effect upon avoiding hair troubles such as fallen hair or
~• Please use our Camellia oil before shampoo. Put camellia oil for your hair and scalp so as to rubbing into it. Leave it for 30 minutes to 1 hour and shampoo your hair and conditioner as usual. This makes your hair shiny and easy to arrange.
~• Also good to rub Camellia oil into your hair before having hair-permed to avoid damaging your hair. Camelia oil is not a chemical hair conditioner so no disturbance for your hair permed.
~• For your skin, we recommended you to use camellia oil as cleansing cream or massage oil. Wipe away your makeup deep down and make moist skin after washing your face.Also you can use this oil as baby oil.
~• Also useable for avoiding cutlery rust, polish wooden products.
~• After using, please close the stopper tight. Avoid heat, humid and direct rays of the sun.
285 Kitagawa Gionmachi Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto
Tel : 075-561-0672; Fax : 075-531-6283
Email :
Noted : di
suatu website, aku baca bahwa minyak camelia di buat dari bijinya. Bukan
fruit. Dan sejauh yang aku tahu, camellia nggak ada buahnya (aku punya
pohon camellia). Well, CMIIW deh.